Señor Il-Manu

Writers can be dangerous. For example this entry is worth thousands of dollars. The reason is is because I am designing a superhero they can actually exist. Whether or not people are lucky to read this there are rights and there are responsibilities

There are rights and there are responsibilities to being “Señor Il-Manu”, the first so I don’t lose reader interest because you are all pathetically addicted to intricacies and things that make you feel stuff… He is a professional dancer but he is much more

He will dance wherever he dances and he will choose whichever women that he wishes to dance with and there are very few women that can say no and resist. He will dance with your wife and your girlfriend he will dance with your daughter right in front of you. Really difficult part is that there’s no getting past that he’s very very good looking and that he smells good and that his breath smells like Wintergreen tic tacs always he wears Ferragamo shoes and he wears Armani suits it’s not quite clear if he ever wears a shirt

That really should be annoying enough because of the chest hair that’s showing but he’s tan and he looks a little bit Greek there’s nothing he can do about coming from a land where the sun shines all the time and he has to show it. For goodness sake he will grab your wife by the hand dance with her in front of you and act like he’s getting immense pleasure from all this but the worst part is is when she’s happy he looks right at you and you think he’s going to wink but he doesn’t he just stares and smiles with those dentures of his

You would think that he can’t get away with it but he is 71 years old and he is very very good looking. Now is rights they just are excessive he has the right to just about go everywhere he has a passport to every Nation he can get on the bus he can ask anybody to dance any worries at because he’s so well known and he’s rarely dressed other than his super character

Is responsibilities unfortunately are limited to observing the law which is so easy to heed and then fulfilling his insatiable desire to touch the hands of your daughters and your wives and your girlfriends and to hold them in the way that he likes to which is also the way that they like to be held and they somehow knows all this

This man he has the ability to create distractions as much as people get to know who he is and what he’s about people will look forward to him coming by. And once he starts going other people can play off that and if there’s an ice cream shop they can take all the ice cream they could get behind the counter because once he starts dancing people get really distracted so for what I have is he has a power threshold of 5.5 on the scale that would be measured to the pied Piper

I’m a man and I just designed a man who can take away all of our women. I am so sorry I feel like I created a missile and a bomb and the whammy bar all in one I’m I want to apologize to everybody but I had to do it. And part of it is that I’m part him and I’m part dog and part pig.

1 Comment

  1. Im your worst critic and I thought it was okay. You never punctuate, lazy, know it
    I want to punch you so hard in the gut because I like your toilet humor and I’m dating your Aunt n you make her cry jerk why do you

    – Ed


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